2025 Show Dates & FAQs

Jan 31-Feb 1, 2025

Show #1 Patterns
NRCHA 3 Lope Toward
Reining AQHA pattern 6
Ranch Riding AQHA pattern 6

Feb 21-22, 2025

Show #2 Patterns

March 21-22, 2025

Show #3 Patterns

May 16-17, 2025

Show #4 Patterns

             Do not hesitate to email any questions you may have. EMAIL








Frequently Asked Questions

NvRCHA Class Guidelines and Eligibility

What are NRCHA classes?

The National Reined Cow Horse Association is the main organization for reined cow horse shows. In these classes you can earn money and regional points.  NvRCHA is an Affiliate of NRCHA, and offers a variety of their classes. See class descriptions and eligibility in the 2023 National Reined Cow Horse Association Rule Book. or on their website: www.NRCHA.com

What is Paid Warm-Up?

Paid Warm-up is an opportunity to work in the arena under show conditions, but not be judged. Each paid warm-up is given a time limit of 5 minutes. A one-minute call will be announced when 4 minutes have elapsed. When the rider’s 5 minutes have expired, horse and rider will exit the arena promptly. This is a schooling class without a judge or cattle.

What are the Spectacular classes?

A judged herd work/cutting score is added to a rein and cow work score to arrive at a three event total. Scores for the reined work and cow work may be used from a concurrently run class or the exhibitor may enter the spectacular alone and may run concurrent with his or her eligible class.

Class eligibility will be determined by the concurrent entered running class(s). If the rider is entered in only the spectacular, eligibility will default to the categories of Open, Non Pro, and Non Pro Boxing in their broadest terms.

What are AQHA Cow Horse classes? (No AQHA points are awarded.)

Junior Cow Horse Classes: To follow AQHA rules and guidelines. Horses five and under may show in this division.

Senior Cow Horse Classes: To follow AQHA rules and guidelines. Horses six and older, to be shown one-handed in a bridle. A horse shown in SR Cow horse, with eligibility may be shown in a traditional NRCHA 2 rein.

Amateur Cow Horse: To follow AQHA rules and guidelines.

What is Box Drive?

NEW in 2024 the NRCHA Non Pro Box Drive class has been added.  To be eligible to compete in this division, contestants must be horse show Non Pro Boxing eligible. Work to consist of reining pattern and single cow work. Exhibitors are allotted one minute and forty five seconds to complete the cow work. Time shall begin when the gate closes behind the cow after being let into the arena. When there are 30 seconds left, the announcer will announce, 30 seconds remaining. At one minute and forty five seconds, the announcer will call for time. Exhibitors are not required to use all of the allotted time but must ride until the judge ends the run with a whistle or time expires, whichever occurs first. There are four parts to the work: boxing the cow; setting up the cow and driving / rating it down the fence to the opposite end of the arena; and boxing it at the opposite end of the arena, and then driving / rating the cow past the middle marker again. There is no expectation that the exhibitor will make a ‘fence turn,’ rather the drive down the fence demonstrates correct position and control around the corner. Open to approved Non Pro Boxing riders and who comply with all Non Pro eligibility rules. Non Pro riders in this class must meet the requirements of the 2.4 ownership rule.

What Boxing classes do you offer?

Non Pro Boxing, Intermediate Non Pro Boxing, Limited Non Pro Boxing and Youth Boxing Classes consist of a reining pattern and single cow work (boxing) on the end of the arena. Each contestant upon receiving a cow in the arena shall hold that cow on the prescribed end of the arena for 50 seconds, demonstrating the ability of the horse and rider to control the cow. Time shall begin when the gate closes behind the cow after being let into the arena. The announcer or judge will signal the completion of the 50 seconds with a whistle or horn. Horses 5 years of age and under as of January 1st of concurrent show year may be shown in either a snaffle bit or hackamore. Horses of any age may be shown in the two-rein equipment (for one year only) or bridle. The NRCHA rules and guidelines will apply. (No chain curb straps, NRCHA legal bits and chaps.)

How can I win a buckle?

The Never Won A Buckle Boxing class is open to riders who have never won a buckle in ANY equine competition. The winner will receive a Champion Buckle upon completion of this class. Work will consist of a reining pattern and single cow work (boxing) on the end of the arena. Each contestant upon receiving a cow in the arena shall hold that cow on the prescribed end of the arena for 50 seconds, demonstrating the ability of the horse and rider to control the cow. Time shall begin when the gate closes behind the cow after being released into the arena. The announcer or judge will signal the completion of the 50 seconds with a whistle or horn. The rider can choose to ride with one or two hands. The rider can choose to perform either simple or flying lead changes. Ownership requirements do not apply. Standard AQHA rules apply for legal bits and attire (long sleeve shirt, hat /helmet, boots, western saddle and western bridle) apply. Chaps are optional and NRCHA legal bit is not required.

What if my horse and/or I are really green?

Then try the Green As Grass Boxing class.  It is open to riders who have no AQHA working cow horse points or NRCHA earnings for the cow horse class. This NvRCHA class is for riders who are new to reined cow horse. Work will consist of a reining pattern and single cow work (boxing) on the end of the arena. Each contestant, upon receiving a cow in the arena, shall hold that cow on the prescribed end of the arena for 50 seconds, demonstrating the ability of the horse and rider to control the cow. Time shall begin when the gate closes behind the cow after being released into the arena. The announcer or judge will signal the completion of 50 seconds with a whistle or horn. The rider can choose to ride with one or two hands. Rider must complete the reining pattern portion of this class holding the reins in the same manner as which they entered the arena. (If the rider enters the arena 1 handed, they must complete the pattern 1 handed) Switching hands on the reins will result in a score of 0. Once the reining pattern has been completed, the rider may switch hands on the reins. There will be no penalty for holding the horn, during the cow work. The rider can choose to perform either simple or flying lead changes. Ownership requirements do not apply. Standard AQHA rules apply for legal bits and attire (long sleeve shirt, hat /helmet, boots, western saddle and western bridle) apply. Chaps are optional and NRCHA legal bit is not required.